Sunday, October 20, 2013

Five Things

1.  Carlee was blessed on Sunday, October 13th.  She didn't cry during the blessing.  It was wonderful.  After the chorus of "Amens," the men in the circle removed their hands too quickly and she almost collided to the floor.

NOTE TO THE BOYS:  When asked to stand in the circle to bless a baby, do not remove your hands until the father has stabilized the body with his own two hands.

NOTE TO CARLEE:  Dad caught you.  He loves you.  No mental harm will come to you from your almost fall... and if it does, you have my permission to blame it on your grandfathers.

2.  Colton asks Heavenly Father to "bless his star wars toys" each and every night.    

3.  Caleb is obsessed with being the "good boy."  When Colton and/or Conner disobey a rule, Caleb quickly pipes in with a "have I been a good boy today?"  Yes.   Yes you have.

Competing for goodness is a welcomed competition in my house.

4.  Mom included a fart joke in Conner's lunch box last week.  Bad idea.
Did you hear the joke about the fart?
It stinks!
According to Conner, everyone at the lunch table laughed and passed it around.  Conner was not pleased.   Apparently potty talk jokes are not allowed at school.  Conner was terrified that the principle would mistake mom's handwriting for his and then he would get in lots of trouble.  After a lengthy lecture, I promised to never include a joke in his lunchbox again.  So much for being the cool mom.

Maybe Caleb will like my potty talk jokes.

5.  Nate is officially on track to graduate next Summer.  The available neuroscience jobs span from the east to the west.  We are excited to discover what God has in store for our little family.