Mr. Conner completed his last day of kindergarten today!

Kindergarten at Cascade Elementary has been an amazing experience for Conner. He has learned more about what it means to be a good friend, how to show respect, and what it means to always try his best.

His teacher, Mrs. Black, was phenomenal. About mid-year, Conner began a note writing craze with his classmates. To encourage their writing and learning, Mrs. Black purchased a classroom mailbox to carry and hold everyone's notes until the end of class. Conner received quite a few love notes from the cute girls in his class, and they always put one large smile on his cute little boy face.

One of the fun things about kindergarten is participating in school traditions. Conner was able to meet and talk with Santa Claus,

sing in front of the entire school "Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer,"

and dance at the dance festival held on the last full day of school.

Conner completed kindergarten with high honors and advanced reading levels, writing abilities, and math success. He loved PE, recess, computer time, playing the game stations, and riding his scooter to school.

We are sad to leave kindergarten behind, but excited for the challenging opportunities ahead. Conner was accepted into the first grade Chinese immersion program... which we are all excited about.