Ten years ago, I met the man I'd marry.
I met him at a church activity and without a word, ran my hands through his carpet hair.
As I walked past him, I wanted to turn around and yell "hey handsome!"
but, I demonstrated some form of self-control.
Nine years ago, I went on my first date with the man I'd marry.
I was scared to death by his good looks and charm.
We went to a University of Utah football game.
He kinda sat real close, too close.
When the time to stand and cheer arrived... I skooted down a tinch.
The man I'd someday marry noticed I had moved away a bit and he quickly closed the distance.
The time to cheer arrived again... I skooted down another tinch.
We started out on one side of the bench and ended on the other.
That night when he walked me to the front door, I panicked!
So scared of the front porch scene, I walked right to the garage.
Truth be known, I wanted to kiss that man right then and there.
but I was ohh so nervous.
Two weeks later, the man I'd marry received a mission call for our church.
To serve in Santiago Chile for two years, he would leave in three short months.
I panicked and tried to ditch this hot guy, but he would not be ditched.
I knew I liked this guy more than any other, but was scared to be left behind.
He asked me out a dozen times.
I cancelled half our dates by faking sick, but he was not fooled.
He always stood by my side and wrote me weekly for two years.
When he came home, his hotness took my breath away.
We dated and dated... but things got somewhat complicated.
I was nineteen years old with dreams to pursue and friends to make.
Marriage was not quite on my list of things to do... yet.
The man I'd someday marry planned to move to Texas for some school.
He said he'd take me with him, if I'd only be his wife.
Up against a wall again, I did not know what to do!
My heart ached at the thought of being without him, but I was not ready to leave my single life behind.
I broke up with the man I'd marry at least a dozen times.
Convinced that there had to be someone else, I was not ready to settle down.
Finally, I moved away to BYU-Idaho, I had gone there while he served.
I cried and cried the whole way there. I cried and cried some more.
Then one night while crying over my taco salad, his favorite at the time.
I realized that I needed this man more than anything I had before.
I proposed a couple days later when he came to visit me.
While playing three legged capture the flag with squirt guns, I told him he was the only man for me.
He quickly bought me a beautiful ring and our temple date was set.
We were married on December 30th - six years ago today.
The last six years have been amazing - he has helped me reach my dreams.
He helped me obtain my bachelor degree cum laude style in two and a half short years.
By helping me sort laundry and cleaning anything and listening to my theories about Freud. He always found the time to help me out, even when he was maxed out with his 33 credits a trimester at school.
He works real hard each day to provide a comfortable home and life.
I am grateful for his love and trust.. I love him ohh so much.
So, here is a toast to the man I love. The man who has always been there for me. The man who helps me reach my dreams - with him I can accomplish anything!
I love you Nate! Thank you for being "my man"!