Saturday, May 9, 2009

Not so Fun!

Dear Caleb has been teething this last week. It has not been fun!

Caleb is getting his top two baby teeth. We are sure proud of him!

My New Favorite Game

Bed time has become quite traumatic over the last couple of weeks. It is very difficult for Conner to stay in his bed.

Dad and I have decided to establish the rule that each time Conner gets out of bed, his bedroom door closes just a little bit. Many nights, the door ends up being shut all the way... which is very distressing to everyone.

Just a couple of days ago, Dad came home early so I could take a nap. As I am laying down to go to sleep, Conner comes into my bedroom and says:

"Take a nap Mom... Conner will shut the door if mom gets out of bed... stay in bed Mom!"

I loved it! I wish Conner would tell me to stay in bed more often :) Conner is such a sweet heart!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'd Like Some Socks With That...

Me: "What do you want to eat for lunch today?"

Conner: "Socks!"

Me: "You can have a peanut butter and honey sandwich, noodles, or an apple sandwich"

Conner: "No Mom, Socks!"

Me: "You seriously want to eat socks today for lunch?"

Conner: "Yeah! Socks!"

Me: "What color of socks would you like to eat for lunch?"

Conner: "Red socks!"

Me: "You want to eat red socks today for lunch... seriously?"

Conner: "Yeah! Eat red socks today!"

I'm not sure what we will eat for lunch tomorrow... but, I remain optimistic.

I wonder what blue socks taste like...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Classroom Stories

Nate came home from teaching Friday night with some new funny college classroom stories to share.

Let's start this post with a little warm up. Let's all say together: "How do I respond to that?"

Okay, I think we are ready for story number one.

The first funny comment was in response to a conversation about the weather. To which a bright young woman said:

"I know someone who can control the weather!"

Umm... okay? I do too?

"How do I respond to that?"

Story numero dos:

Band-aid boy has started to have somewhat of an infatuation with Nathan. Nathan is frequently escorted to his car after their Friday night class by the one and only band-aid boy. It wouldn't bother me so much if he paid for dinner or offered to open a door for Nate... but alas, no such offers have been made. Anyways, for the last couple of weeks, Band-aid boy has been passionately discussing his obsession for a Japanese style of cartoon called "Anime". Nate has patiently listened to these discussions and wondered "how does this apply to me?"

Friday night, Band-aid boy went in for the kill by saying "You have to borrow my Anime movies... I think you would really like them". Nate declined his offer politely with the excuse of being way to busy to have time for Anime (okay, we could have the time if we gave up 24... but that is not going to happen any time soon!) to which Band-aid boy said something like "You would have time if you got up around 6:00 am every morning... that is how I find time to watch Anime!"

Umm... okay....

"How do I respond to that?"

Let's all take a vote... who wants to start waking up at 6:00 am to watch
Japanese cartoons with us?