Sunday, May 25, 2014

going on a bear hunt sensory play

can't go over it
can't go under it
we'll have to go through it.

easter 2014

O, the sweet joy this sentence gives: 
 "I know, that my Redeemer lives!"

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Carlee Cream...

 When a bowl of organic/sugar-free whipped cream was left on the table....

Someone had a really fun time.
And Angie got the dishes done.

It is said that my great-grandma loved whipped cream so much that she would "eat it on a flannel rag." These pictures prove that Carlee takes a little after her great-great-grandma... only she skipped out on the flannel rag and went right for the fist.  My child is a genius.

Let's not talk about the fact that someone almost fell out of her highchair when the whipped cream went a flyin'...

Monday, March 31, 2014

Who's Your Daddy and Zombie Pants - My Version of Homeschool Tests

I don't "do tests."

I know that one day it will be beneficial and necessary for my children to experience a test environment... but the joy of homeschool is that I can say "not yet."

The only kind of test going on in our home is who will actually make their bed and clear their plate after dinner.

And everything else?

Well, we try to make it as fun as possible.  With colorful board games, fishing poles, and a stack of random recent curriculum questions - we make sure to cover all of the necessary bases.

Introducing "Who's Your Daddy"

Colton almost wet his pants when I introduced this board game to him.  Seriously, Darth Vadar and Yoda?
I am one cool homeschool mom... ha ha.

Goal of the game:  Two teams compete (Vadar vs. Yoda) to reach the end of their lightsaber first.  Roll the dice, answer a question correctly, and move forward.

Questions consist of science material, language arts, grammar, and spelling.

And with Conner's recent Zombie obsession, there was no doubt about the need of a zombie game.  Insert the game Smarty Pants gone Zombie.

Goal of the game:  Roll two dice and be the first to add or subtract their sums to move forward.  Speed is everything. "Eat Brain move forward 2" cards reinforce fact families, multiplication, numerator/denominator, and basic geometry.

Our "version" of homeschool tests are pretty darn awesome.  I am amazed at just how much information the boys retain during our casual school sessions.

If only the games would help motivate the kids to put their dishes in the sink...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

lego vanity

Did you know that the Lego club passes out free magazines each month?

With each and every edition, there are photos of kids and their newest Lego creation plastered all over the insides.

The boys spend every free moment creating, building, and demolishing Lego creations.
Determined that their face will be on the cover of the next Lego magazine.



So. Proud.
The tears?
They come from both sides...